Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Enemies III


New things

  • I've got a good looking FAButton that does a neat little animation when the activity  first starts.

  • The Button prompts a dialog, with which the user can add a 280 characters of text to their list.

  • The dialog has a little counter the live-updates as characters are typed. 

  • The counter changes color to red if the user goes over the character limit, and they can't submit if the input is either empty or over the limit.



Some Frustration

I'm making progress, but it's a bit wearying. I'm doing this to sort of get away from it for a bit. I know exactly what I'd like to do and pretty much how to do it. But actually executing my plan, is taking a lot longer than I expected. The things that I thought would be the most difficult, we're actually pretty easy to implement with the help of 3rd party libraries.  I'm using this library for my fab now, but I think I'm going to switch to this one. There's not as much customization, and I'm going to lose that animation, but the functionality is closer to what I want. I'd ideally Like the FAB to float above the listview and disappear when scrolled. That's what I'm going to tackle next. 

I've also got cards now for my listView. I've still got to do a bit of work on the CardAdapter. I added a date property to my Enemy class, and I want to use that to get a time stamp on my cards. Just realized that won't work. I need to have a date for each String in the ArrayList. Maybe a Hashmap? I don't know.

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